Verilog-A release version.
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//VerilogA for laser,vcsel,veriloga
// DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2021.3064465
`include "constants.vams"
`include "./disciplines.vams"
module vcsel(Vin,Vlam,Gnd,Opow,Ophase,Olam,Tout);
parameter real Egart = 1.53 from (0:inf);
parameter real dEga = -1.63e-3 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real meA = 0.0622 from (0:inf);
parameter real mhhA = 0.346 from (0:inf);
parameter real tcap = 7.0e-12 from (0:inf);
parameter real etaA = 1.6 from [0:inf);
parameter real etaesc = 2.0 from [0:inf);
parameter real A0A = 7.4e5 from (0:inf);
parameter real Art = 0.45e9 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real dA = 0 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real d2A = 0 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real Brt = 3.0e-16 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real dB = -1.19e-18 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real d2B = 5.74e-21 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real Crt = -7.9e-42 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real dC = 8.2e-44 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real d2C = -5.4e-46 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real Egbrt = 1.89 from (0:inf);
parameter real dEgb = -4.5e-4 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real meB = 0.0977 from (0:inf);
parameter real mhhB = 0.596 from (0:inf);
parameter real etainj = 0.8 from [0:1];
parameter real tspb = 5.0e-9 from (0:inf);
parameter real etaB = 1.0 from [0:inf);
parameter real etaleak = 2.0 from [0:inf];
parameter real A0B = 7.4e5 from (0:inf);
parameter real Egcrt = 2.31 from (0:inf);
parameter real dEgc = 4.94e-4 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real a0rt = 7.54e5 from (0:inf);
parameter real da0 = 8.22e2 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real d2a0 = 2.66 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real a1d = -1.4e13 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real a1u = -1.34e13 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real a2d = 1.57e20 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real a2u = 2.03e21 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real N0rt = 2.76e24 from (0:inf);
parameter real dN0 = 9.22e21 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real Ns = -1.5e21 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real eps = 5.0e-24 from (0:1];
parameter real lamgrt = 857.0e-9 from (0:inf);
parameter real dlamg = 0.314e-9 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real dlamgdna = -3.26e-33 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real d2lamgdna = -5.44e-60 from (-inf:inf);
// parameter real lamrt = 847.3e-9;
parameter real dlam = 0.064e-9 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real vg = 1e8 from (0:inf);
parameter real gam = 3.28e-2 from (0:1];
parameter real beta = 4.68e-2 from (0:1];
parameter real alabsrt = 6.19e10 from (0:inf);
parameter real dalabs = 0 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real d2alabs = 7e6 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real albmrt = 1.35e10 from (0:inf);
parameter real dalbm = -1.5e8 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real altmrt = 1.91e11 from (0:inf);
parameter real daltm = -7e8 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real tth = 1e-7 from (0:inf);
parameter real rthrt = 2.8e3 from (0:inf);
parameter real drth = 2.5 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real nqw = 5 from (0:inf);
parameter real dqw = 4e-9 from (0:inf);
parameter real dsch = 74e-9 from (0:inf);
parameter real Aape = 38.5e-12 from (0:inf);
parameter real Lb = 0 from [0:inf);
parameter real Rb = 0 from [0:inf);
parameter real Lp1 = 76.0e-12 from [0:inf);
parameter real Rp1 = 0 from [0:inf);
parameter real Lp2 = 0 from [0:inf);
parameter real Rp2 = 0 from [0:inf);
parameter real Cp = 50.0e-15 from [0:inf);
parameter real Rp3 = 150.0e-3 from [0:inf);
parameter real rmrt = 170 from [0:inf);
parameter real drm = -0.96 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real d2rm = 1.38e-2 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real d3rm = -1.11e-4 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real etaRm1 = 0.285 from [0:1];
parameter real etaRm2 = 0.125 from [0:1];
parameter real etaRm3 = 0.590 from [0:1];
parameter real Cm1 = 2.02e-15 from [0:inf);
parameter real Cm2 = 19.5e-15 from [0:inf);
parameter real Cm3 = 88.6e-15 from [0:inf);
parameter real Cdep = 50.0e-15 from [0:inf);
input Vin,Vlam;
output Opow,Ophase,Olam,Tout;
inout Gnd;
thermal Tout;
electrical Vin,Vlam,Gnd,Opow,Ophase,Olam;
electrical Nscha,Nschb,Nph,NTem,NTru;
electrical NLb,NLbp,NLp1,NLp,NLp2,NLp3,NLpm,NLm12,NLm23,NLsch;
branch(Vin,NLb) LLb;
branch(NLb,NLbp) RRb;
branch(NLbp,NLp1) LLp1;
branch(NLp1,NLp) RRp1;
branch(NLp,NLp3) CCp;
branch(NLp3,Gnd) RRp3;
branch(NLp,NLp2) LLp2;
branch(NLp2,NLpm) RRp2;
branch(NLpm,NLm12) CCm1,RRm1;
branch(NLm12,NLm23) CCm2,RRm2;
branch(NLm23,NLsch) CCm3,RRm3;
branch(NLsch,Gnd) CCdep,BUsch;
branch(Gnd,Nschb) BIinj,BIescb;
branch(Nschb,Gnd) BIspb,BIcapb,BIleak,CCb;
branch(Gnd,Nscha) BIcapa;
branch(Nscha,Gnd) BIspa1,BIspa2,BIspa3,BIesca,BIsta,CCa;
branch(Gnd,Nph) BIsts,BIsp;
branch(Nph,Gnd) BIabs,BIbm,BItm,CCs;
branch(Gnd,NTem) BIgen,CCt;
branch(NTem,NTru) RRth;
branch(NTru,Gnd) BUamb;
real fa = 1;
real fb = 1;
real fs = 1;
real ft = 1;
real cop = 1;
real midn;
real k = `P_K;
real kev = 8.6173357e-5;
real q = `P_Q;
real h = `P_H;
real hev = 4.135667e-15;
real pi = `M_PI;
real m0 = 9.109e-31;
real Tamb = $temperature;
real Trt = 273.15+25;
real na,nb,S,Tem;
real rm,Ega,Egb,Egc,A,B,C,a0,N0,lam,lamg,alabs,albm,altm,rth,a1,a2;
real Va,Vb;
real Nc,Nv,Efa,Efb;
real Usch,g,ggen,Rm1,Rm2,Rm3;
real Isch,Iinj,Iesc,Ileak,Ist,Isp;
real Cb,Ca,Cs,Ct,RthR;
real Popt;
real Rspb,Rcap,Rabs,Rbm,Rtm,Rspa1,Ispa2,Ispa3;
real Zdqw = dqw * cop;//1
real Zdsch = dsch * cop;//1
real ZA0B = A0B * pow(cop,-2);//-2
real ZA0A = A0A * pow(cop,-2);//-2
real ZBrt = Brt * pow(cop,3);//3
real ZdB = dB * pow(cop,3);//3
real Zd2B = d2B * pow(cop,3);//3
real ZCrt = Crt * pow(cop,6);//6
real ZdC = dC * pow(cop,6);//6
real Zd2C = d2C * pow(cop,6);//6
real Za0rt = a0rt * pow(cop,-1);//-1
real Zda0 = da0 * pow(cop,-1);//-1
real Zd2a0 = d2a0 * pow(cop,-1);//-1
real Za1,Za2;//-2,-3
real ZN0rt = N0rt * pow(cop,-3);//-3
real ZdN0 = dN0 * pow(cop,-3);//-3
real ZNs = Ns * pow(cop,-3);//-3
real Zeps = eps * pow(cop,3);//3
real Zlamgrt = lamgrt * cop;//1
real Zdlamg = dlamg * cop;//1
real Zdlamgdna = dlamgdna * pow(cop,4);//4
real Zd2lamgdna = d2lamgdna * pow(cop,7);//7
real Zlamrt;// = lamrt * cop;//1
real Zdlam = dlam * cop;//1
real Zvg = vg * cop;//1
real Zm0 = m0 * pow(cop,-2);//-2
real ZVa,ZVb;//3
real ZPc = `P_C * cop;//1
real Mefa11,Mefa12,Mefa13,Mefa21,Mefa22,Mefa23;
real Mefb11,Mefb12,Mefb13,Mefb14,Mefb15,Mefb16,Mefb17,Mefb18,Mefb1,Mefb21,Mefb22,Mefb23,Mefb24,Mefb25,Mefb26,Mefb27,Mefb28,Mefb2;
real Mg1,Mg2,Mg3,Mg4,Mg5,Mg6;
real Mesc1,Mesc2,Mesc3;
real Mleak1,Mleak2,Mleak3;
analog initial begin
Va = dqw * nqw * Aape; //(6)
Vb = dsch * Aape; //(7)
ZVa = Va * pow(cop,3);//3
ZVb = Vb * pow(cop,3);//3
Rspb = fb / q * tspb; //(11)
Rcap = fb / q * tcap; //(12)
Ca = q / fa; //(25)
Cb = q / fb; //(26)
midn = 2 * pi * Zm0 * k / pow(h,2);
analog begin
Zlamrt = V(Vlam) * cop;//1
na = abs(V(Nscha)) / fa;
nb = abs(V(Nschb)) / fb;
S = abs(V(Nph)) / fs;
Tem = abs(V(NTem)) / ft;
rm = rmrt + drm * (Tem - Trt) + 0.5 * d2rm * pow((Tem - Trt),2) + 1.0 / 6.0 * d3rm * pow((Tem - Trt),3); //(47)
Ega = (Egart + dEga * (Tem - Trt)); //(48)
Egb = (Egbrt + dEgb * (Tem - Trt)); //(49)
Egc = (Egcrt + dEgc * (Tem - Trt)); //(50)
A = Art + dA * (Tem - Trt); //(51)
B = ZBrt + ZdB * (Tem - Trt) + 0.5 * Zd2B * pow((Tem - Trt),2); //(52)
C = ZCrt + ZdC * (Tem - Trt) + 0.5 * Zd2C * pow((Tem - Trt),2); //(53)
a0 = Za0rt + Zda0 * (Tem - Trt) + 0.5 * Zd2a0 * pow((Tem - Trt),2); //(54)
N0 = ZN0rt + ZdN0 * (Tem - Trt); //(55)
lam = Zlamrt + Zdlam * (Tem - Trt); //(56)
lamg = Zlamgrt + Zdlamg * (Tem - Trt) + Zdlamgdna * (na / ZVa) + 0.5 * Zd2lamgdna * pow((na / ZVa),2); //(57)
alabs = alabsrt + dalabs * (Tem - Trt) + 0.5 * d2alabs * pow((Tem - Trt),2); //(58)
albm = albmrt + dalbm * (Tem - Trt); //(59)
altm = altmrt + daltm * (Tem - Trt); //(60)
rth = rthrt + drth * (Tem - Trt); //(61)
if (lam > lamg) begin
a1 = a1u;
a2 = a2u;
else begin
a1 = a1d;
a2 = a2d;
Za1 = a1 * pow(cop,-2);//-2
Za2 = a2 * pow(cop,-3);//-3
Nc = 2.0 * abs(midn * meB * Tem)**(3.0/2.0); //(4)
Nv = 2.0 * abs(midn * mhhB * Tem )**(3.0/2.0); //(5)
Mefa11 = Zdqw * na / ZVa;
Mefa12 = 2.0 * midn * Tem * meA;
Mefa13 = kev * Tem * ln(limexp(Mefa11 / Mefa12) - 1.0);
Mefa21 = Zdqw * na / ZVa;
Mefa22 = 2.0 * midn * Tem * mhhA;
Mefa23 = kev * Tem * ln(limexp(Mefa21 / Mefa22) - 1.0);
Efa = Ega + etaA * (Mefa13 + Mefa23); //(2)
Mefb11 = nb / ZVb / Nc;
Mefb12 = 1.0 - pow(Mefb11,2);
Mefb13 = ln(Mefb11) / Mefb12;
Mefb14 = 3.0 * sqrt(pi) * nb / ZVb / 4.0 / Nc;
Mefb15 = Mefb14**(2.0/3.0);
Mefb16 = 0.24 + 1.08 * Mefb15;
Mefb17 = 1.0 + pow(Mefb16,-2);
Mefb18 = Mefb15 / Mefb17;
Mefb1 = Mefb13 + Mefb18;
Mefb21 = nb / ZVb / Nv;
Mefb22 = 1.0 - pow(Mefb21,2);
Mefb23 = ln(Mefb21) / Mefb22;
Mefb24 = 3.0 * sqrt(pi) * nb / ZVb / 4.0 / Nv;
Mefb25 = Mefb24**(2.0/3.0);
Mefb26 = 0.24 + 1.08 * Mefb25;
Mefb27 = 1.0 + pow(Mefb26,-2);
Mefb28 = Mefb25 / Mefb27;
Mefb2 = Mefb23 + Mefb28;
Efb = Egb + etaB * kev * Tem * (Mefb1 + Mefb2); //(3)
Mg1 = (na / ZVa + ZNs)/(N0 + ZNs);
Mg2 = a0 * ln(Mg1);
Mg3 = Za1 * (lam - lamg);
Mg4 = Za2 * pow((lam - lamg),2);
Mg5 = 1.0 + Zeps * S * gam / ZVa;
Mg6 = Mg2 - Mg3 - Mg4;
g = Mg6 / Mg5; //(17)
if (g < 0) begin
g = 0;
// etas = hev * ZPc / lam; //(39)
Popt = hev * ZPc / lam * I(BItm); //(32)
ggen = V(Vin,Gnd) * I(LLb) - Popt; //(41)
Rm1 = rm * etaRm1;
Rm2 = rm * etaRm2;
Rm3 = rm * etaRm3;
RthR = rth * ft; //(45)
Cs = q / fs; //(38)
Ct = tth / rth / ft; //(44)
Iinj = etainj * Isch; //(10)
Mesc1 = ZA0A * ZVa * pow(Tem,2) / (Zdqw * nqw);
Mesc2 = limexp(-Egb / (etaesc * kev * Tem));
Mesc3 = limexp(Efa / (etaesc * kev * Tem));
Iesc = Mesc1 * Mesc2 * (Mesc3 - 1); //(13)
Mleak1 = ZA0B * ZVb * pow(Tem,2) / Zdsch;
Mleak2 = limexp(-Egc / (etaleak * kev * Tem));
Mleak3 = limexp(Efb / (etaleak * kev * Tem));
Ileak = Mleak1 * Mleak2 * (Mleak3 - 1); //(14)
Rspa1 = fa / (q * A); //(15)
Ispa2 = B * pow(na,2) / ZVa * q; //(15)
Ispa3 = C * pow(na,3) / pow(ZVa,2) * q; //(15)
Ist = gam * Zvg * g * S * q; //(16)
Isp = q * beta * B * pow(na,2) / ZVa; //(28)
Rabs = fs / (q * alabs); //(29)
Rbm = fs / (q * albm); //(30)
Rtm = fs / (q * altm); //(31)
Isch = I(BUsch);
Usch = (na * Efa + nb * Efb)/((na + nb)); //(1)
V(LLb) <+ Lb * ddt(I(LLb));
V(RRb) <+ Rb * I(RRb);
V(LLp1) <+ Lp1 * ddt(I(LLp1));
V(RRp1) <+ Rp1 * I(RRp1);
I(CCp) <+ Cp * ddt(V(CCp));
V(RRp3) <+ Rp3 * I(RRp3);
V(LLp2) <+ Lp2 * ddt(I(LLp2));
V(RRp2) <+ Rp2 * I(RRp2);
I(CCm1) <+ Cm1 * ddt(V(CCm1));
V(RRm1) <+ Rm1 * I(RRm1);
I(CCm2) <+ Cm2 * ddt(V(CCm2));
V(RRm2) <+ Rm2 * I(RRm2);
I(CCm3) <+ Cm3 * ddt(V(CCm3));
V(RRm3) <+ Rm3 * I(RRm3);
I(CCdep) <+ Cdep * ddt(V(CCdep));
V(BUsch) <+ Usch;
I(BIinj) <+ Iinj; //(18)
I(BIescb) <+ Iesc; //(21)
V(BIspb) <+ Rspb * I(BIspb); //(19)
V(BIcapb) <+ Rcap * I(BIcapb); //(20)
I(BIleak) <+ Ileak; //(22)
I(CCb) <+ Cb * ddt(V(CCb));
I(BIcapa) <+ I(BIcapb); //(20)
I(CCa) <+ Ca * ddt(V(CCa));
V(BIspa1) <+ Rspa1 * I(BIspa1); //(23)
I(BIspa2) <+ Ispa2; //(23)
I(BIspa3) <+ Ispa3; //(23)
I(BIesca) <+ Iesc; //(21)
I(BIsta) <+ Ist; //(24)
I(BIsts) <+ Ist; //(33)
I(BIsp) <+ Isp; //(34)
I(CCs) <+ Cs * ddt(V(CCs));
V(BIabs) <+ Rabs * I(BIabs); //(35)
V(BIbm) <+ Rbm * I(BIbm);//(36)
V(BItm) <+ Rtm * I(BItm); //(37)
I(BIgen) <+ ggen; //(43)
I(CCt) <+ Ct * ddt(V(CCt));
V(RRth) <+ RthR * I(RRth);
V(BUamb) <+ Tamb * ft; //(46)
//Light output
V(Opow) <+ Popt;
V(Ophase) <+ 0;
V(Olam) <+ lam / cop;
//Temperature output
Temp(Tout) <+ Tem - 273.15;