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//VerilogA for modulator,basicmz,veriloga
//With no S21 - S21 is ideal
`include "constants.vams"
`include "disciplines.vams"
module basicmz(Ipow,Iphase,Ilam,Opow,Ophase,Olam,Vrfu,Vrfl,Vdcu,Vdcl,Gnd);
parameter real VpiDC = 5 from (0:inf);
parameter real VpiRF = 5 from (0:inf);
parameter real insloss = 6 from [0:inf);
parameter real extratio = 35 from [0:inf);
parameter integer lowarmphase = -1 from [-1:1] exclude 0;
parameter real dVdcdT = 0 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real dVrfdT = 0 from (-inf:inf);
parameter real reftem = 25 from (-273.15:inf);
// parameter real eleclenupper = 40.0e-3 from (0:inf);
// parameter real indexmisupper = 0.05;
// parameter real mwavelossupper = 0.005 from [0:inf);
// parameter real eleclenlower = 40.0e-3 from (0:inf);
// parameter real indexmislower = 0.05;
// parameter real mwavelosslower = 0.005 from [0:inf);
// parameter real digfilterorder = 1024 from [8:4096];
parameter integer directmod = 0 from [0:1];
input Ipow,Iphase,Ilam,Vrfu,Vrfl,Vdcu,Vdcl;
output Opow,Ophase,Olam;
inout Gnd;
electrical Ipow,Iphase,Ilam,Opow,Ophase,Olam,Vrfu,Vrfl,Vdcu,Vdcl,Gnd;
branch (Vrfu,Gnd) Rrfu;
branch (Vrfl,Gnd) Rrfl;
branch (Vdcu,Gnd) Rdcu;
branch (Vdcl,Gnd) Rdcl;
real top=$temperature;
real tref=273.15+reftem;
real phiu,phil,yspu,yspl,eps;
real Mpu1,Mpu2,Mpl1,Mpl2;
real reu,imu,rel,iml,reh,imh,eh,phih,h;
real Rint = 50;
analog begin
if (directmod == 1) begin
else begin
if (extratio<6.1) begin
$display("Error: extratio must be greater than 6.1");
eps = 1.0/sqrt(pow(10,extratio/10.0));
yspu = sqrt(0.5+eps);
yspl = sqrt(0.5-eps);
Mpu1 = `M_PI*V(Vrfu)/(VpiRF+(top-tref)*dVrfdT);
Mpu2 = `M_PI*V(Vdcu)/(VpiDC+(top-tref)*dVdcdT);
Mpl1 = `M_PI*V(Vrfl)/(VpiRF+(top-tref)*dVrfdT);
Mpl2 = `M_PI*V(Vdcl)/(VpiDC+(top-tref)*dVdcdT);
phiu = (Mpu1+Mpu2);
phil = lowarmphase*(Mpl1+Mpl2);
reu = yspu*cos(phiu);
imu = yspu*sin(phiu);
rel = yspl*cos(phil);
iml = yspl*sin(phil);
reh = reu+rel;
imh = imu+iml;
eh = sqrt(reh*reh+imh*imh);
phih = acos(reh/eh);
h = 1.0/sqrt(2)*eh/pow(10,insloss/10.0);
I(Rrfu) <+ V(Vrfu)/Rint;
I(Rrfl) <+ V(Vrfl)/Rint;
I(Rdcu) <+ V(Vdcu)/Rint;
I(Rdcl) <+ V(Vdcl)/Rint;
V(Opow) <+ V(Ipow)*h*h;
V(Ophase) <+ V(Iphase)+phih*360.0/(2*`M_PI);
V(Olam) <+ V(Ilam);