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7 months ago
//VerilogA for modulator,idealmz,veriloga
`include "constants.vams"
`include "disciplines.vams"
module idealmz(Ipow,Iphase,Ilam,Opow,Ophase,Olam,Vdata);
parameter real ext = 30 from [0:inf);
parameter real sym = -1 from [-1:1);
parameter integer Chirp = 1 from [-1:1] exclude 0;
input Ipow,Iphase,Ilam,Vdata;
output Opow,Ophase,Olam;
electrical Ipow,Iphase,Ilam,Opow,Ophase,Olam,Vdata;
real fext,dph;
analog begin
fext = 1.0 - 4.0 / `M_PI * atan(1.0 / sqrt(pow(10, ext / 10.0)));
dph = `M_PI / 2.0 * (0.5 - fext * (V(Vdata) - 0.5));
V(Olam) <+ V(Ilam);
V(Ophase) <+ V(Iphase) + Chirp * dph * (1 + sym)/(1 - sym) * 360.0 / (2 * `M_PI);
V(Opow) <+ V(Ipow) * pow(cos(dph),2);